March 19, 2024
I started working with colored pencils more and more over the last few weeks. After I had the concussion back in late November, I found myself unable to focus.
I could not sit still for more than five minutes at a time, so I figured I need to change something. Because colored pencil work is known to take up less time, than watercolors, right? Haha, no, but I needed something else. First it moved incredibly slowly, because you can´t really do anything in a short amount of time. I really don´t know why I thought I need to work or create something with a minor injury. Why didn´t I just enjoy sleep and rest?
But with time I was able to sit and focus and work more. Working with coloring pencils just takes a lot of patience, but I find it is such an enjoyable process. Somehow I can focus better, even with all the distractions around me (kids coming and working with me, because my office in the home is the fun one).
This testicle anatomy art print is the first that made it into a listing, but the kidney art print is newly up as well.
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